Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Californias growing number of Chinese Students

In this NPR article written by Josie Huang, she talks about the growing number of Chinese teenagers moving to California for a high school education.  The article states that more than twenty-three thousand Chinese teens have moved to escape the pressure of China’s education system. The main goal of them moving for high school is to better their chances of getting into an American college. The article says that in the past most of the international students came from countries such as South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
I have a lot of experience of knowing a great deal of these international students because I went to an international boarding school in Minnesota. Most of the international students that came to my school were from South Korea, China, and various places in Europe. Most of these students after they graduated from high school ended up going to colleges all over the US. From my experience, most the international students that were more open to new things and races were the South Koreans. The South Koreans would want to dorm with American students so they would get the full experience of “being American”. Now seeing that more and more Chinese teens are coming here for an education did not surprise me because people are always looking to get the advantage of an American education.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea! This is really interesting. I wonder how many don't go back to their home countries after college, and how the experience of having been American high school students affects those who do go back.
