This article from NPR
has definitely opened my eyes more to the racism and ignorance that is prevalent
in the United States. The article starts
with a man talking about when he was beaten in Fresno, California because the
attackers though he was Muslim. The man is a practicing Sheik which is a
religion that combines Islam and Hinduism. This attack reminds me of one of my
friends being verbally attacked by a stranger because he is Pakistani. This racist
attack lasted for about a minute, but the memory of it will last for my whole
attacks on Sheiks were not rare, but something that has been happening for a
while. The first instances of violence on Sheiks date back to 1907 in Washington.
These people were robbed and beaten because some people wanted immigrants to
leave the country. This is the same issue some Americans are making for Muslims
fleeing or immigrating to the US. I believe people should get some perspective
on these types of issues and learn from it. It is the only way we will grow as
a country.